Results 45 comments of Allan Brazute

I was about to try it in the coming weeks... felling sad now! Gonna wait too, or just exec s5cmd.

Hi @deadprogram, thanks for answering. I have asked because I'm old JS developer but a noob in the maker scene. I'm still planning to buy my first Arduino kit and...

You may do: ``` $myId = str_pad($optimusId, 7, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); ```

Yes I noticed the sintaxe, because of that I have to change line 108. So are you saying that even changing this line and it seeming as it's working, it...

Easying it for the next one: ```php s3fs: container_name: s3fs image: gseldon/goofys:latest restart: unless-stopped deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 placement: max_replicas_per_node: 1 constraints: - "node.role == manager" cap_add: - SYS_ADMIN...

Why is it not a PR? It is one of the things I miss in MindMaps.

I was using mindmapmaker because of Google Drive integration. Now you guys have this working again, I tryed to open my maps here and it's a no go. I have...

The closer I could get was to login ok into FTP, but them the passive mode come and bite my ankle. traefik-compose.yml: ``` command: - --entrypoints.web.address=:80 - --entrypoints.websecure.address=:443 - --entrypoints.ftp.address=:21...

Hi, no, If Traefik can do FTP, I can't find how. My solution was to remove traefik labels and point the FTP DNS name to the Host IP running the...

Why not add a getAvatar method to do that in the oauth2-azure code? That would be a cool feature.