
Results 8 issues of akanesora

I had use this plug for a time, it's convenience but a little problem bothers me :( As the picture below, the quickfix window only show exit with code -1,...

I checked /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources there are only three files prefix DarkAuqa : DarkAqua.car DarkAquaAX.car DarkAquaVisibleBezels.car so what am I supposed to do with this repo's DarkAquaAppearence.car and is it supported for...

Hi, I have tried to replace the Aqua.car file, but unfortunately even after disable SIP the file system seems still read-only. ``` => csrutil status System Integrity Protection status: unknown...

Below is my docker compose file, I added restart policy as always for every service. My expected behavior is that when the chaos engineer kill one of the containers, it...

https://github.com/youngyangyang04/leetcode-master/blob/fbf2e280294b97cc560529cb3f584887312efda9/problems/0047.%E5%85%A8%E6%8E%92%E5%88%97II.md?plain=1#L78 应该是 `if (i > 0 && nums[i] == nums[i - 1] && used[i - 1] == true)`

``` aug = nas.ContextualWordEmbsForSentenceAug(model_path='xlnet-base-cased') text='am not interested in linguistics that does not address race racism is about power raciolinguistics brings' augmented_texts = aug.augment(text) print("Original:") print(text) print("Augmented Texts:") print(augmented_texts) ``` I'm...

比如说我author字段写了渐入佳境,这个是可以显示出来的。 现在的需求是想在description里面写上一句话,然后呈现在主页上。 > title: A fatal exception 0E has occurred at 0028:C0034B23 subtitle: '' **description: '知至至之,可与言几也'**

This is how pixyll looks like: ![Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 10 59 25](https://github.com/typora/typora-default-themes/assets/44017689/1b5b9a13-b554-4603-b147-6ffa9fe9a46b) This is what is exptected: ![Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 10 59 36](https://github.com/typora/typora-default-themes/assets/44017689/aae55273-a195-4273-bd2a-8146a634ee09)