Same issue. I tried randomly sampling points from the foreground as point prompt outputs. The results of 200 sampled points look worse than those of 10 sampled points. 
> 您好,下载好TIMIT完整数据集后,请问是否应该先python dvector_create.py,将音频文件.WAV转换为标准格式,然后再python data_preprocess.py,特征提取得到音频的.npy文件?我在运行dvector_create.py时,报错utils.py中的from constants import c,得到结果ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'constants',然后我conda install constants,又报错ImportError: cannot import name 'c',请问该如何解决呢? Maybe you can create "constants.py" and declare the constants you need.