Jacob Anderson

Results 6 issues of Jacob Anderson

I think this will be a good approach to writing the documentation; In addition to explaining each class method, it would be helpful to have another page that describes the...

The attribute 26 "raceWeekCars" is actually a dictionary of car_ids example from season 2865: `{"110":{"maxPctFuelFill":"","weightPenaltyKG":"","max_dry_tire_sets":3,"powerAdjustPct":""},"56":{"maxPctFuelFill":"","weightPenaltyKG":"","max_dry_tire_sets":3,"powerAdjustPct":""},"103":{"maxPctFuelFill":"","weightPenaltyKG":"","max_dry_tire_sets":3,"powerAdjustPct":""}}`

team_standings is the only URL endpoint that returns data in a completely unique format. The response format for team data is a single list of dictionaries. Just one. There are...

In the [2020 Season 3 release notes](https://members.iracing.com/jforum/posts/list/3739557.page) iRacing presented a new endpoint to retrieve a drivers race results and requested that anyone previously using. ``` Website Data - For those...

Create class method from following code-block and apply to all functions so that they are removed from the URL query when sent to iRacing. ```py for key in payload.copy(): if...

Not much of a description right now and it's hard to figure out what "inventory dump" means exactly.