Eshaalakshmi D S
Eshaalakshmi D S
@Rakesh9100 I request you to please review and assign me this issue under GSSOC'24 label.
@akshitagupta15june I request you to please assign this issue to me and consider it under SWOC''23. Thank you.
@akshitagupta15june As I previously couldnt contribute to this issue during SWOC, I would like to once again take up this task as a part of GSSOC'24. Kindly consider me as...
@akshitagupta15june I would like to work on this. Please consider it.
@akshitagupta15june I would like to work on this issue. I request you to please assign this to me. Thank you ma'am.
@akshitagupta15june I have prior experience in designing logos for various needs. Can u please assign this issue to me, so I can contribute to it under SWOC"2023. Thank you so...
@krishnaacharyaa Incase noones assigned to this issue, can u please assign it to me. I have got couple of ideas for UX design of Map integration at footer. I will...
@krishnaacharyaa sure got it, will complete the other one soon. :)