In documentation, it is stated that MediaObject's field should be constrained to the encoding CL ( but this is not the case currently
Organisation - EDC Team Add "credentialProfiles" to JSON-LD Context, suggestion: "credentialProfiles": { "@id": "elm:credentialProfiles", "@type": "@id" },
EscoOccupationRestriction should either have the constraint applied to id, or changed the pattern to reflect actual items from Occupation controlled list. here you can see an example in JSON...
levelOfCompletion term pointing to elm:levelOfCompletion is missing from the JSON-LD context, find a proposal below: "levelOfCompletion" : { "@id": "elm:levelOfCompletion", "@type": "xsd:positiveInteger" },
There is a typo "elm:radingScheme" at the context
Currently, in the context we have nationalSystemNote It should be updated to educationalSystemNote to match shacl
We are Missing the creditPoint (pointing to elm:creditPoint) term at the JSON, find below a proposal: "creditPoint": { "@id": "elm:creditPoint", "@type" : "@id" },
term "identifier" at json-ld context ( should point to adms:Identifier instead of dc:Identifier (dc:identifier is not used anymore). Also, term admsIdentifier ( is not used anymore in json-ld serialization and...
Add "image" and "page" terms to the JSON-LD context, find below a proposal: "image" : { "@id" : "elm:image", "@type" : "@id" }, "page" : { "@id": "elm:page", "@type" :...
Add "IndividualDisplay" : "elm:IndividualDisplay" to json-ld context