Brady Jessup

Results 11 issues of Brady Jessup


Check out the "lightprobe-bug" branch. Look at the sphere where the light probe is placed. In deferred it shows noise, in forward it does not. This could be an issue...


This should also support importing the assets we have at the moment. And adding it to scenes, dragging textures onto materials and other settings that take assets. This is the...

We currently do not have the terrain as an entity in the scene. It is hard-coded and has no LOD control. Time to push that and up the fidelity. Then...

Needs to be batched rendered and support the usual stuff. Also spritesheet animation is going to be needed, this can be broken off to a separate task though.

At somepoint we want a soundgraph and cool tools to modify sounds, but for now a basic engine is all that is needed for a 0.1 release.