Aaron Bishop
Aaron Bishop
https://github.com/HowardHinnant/date/blob/bf79dd5a810a1c6afd57d708f5e91597c05d584e/src/tz.cpp#L2934 So I think this is where you'd need to modify. C++ uses UTF-8 for string encodings, while Windows uses codepages and wchar_t (2 bytes) to encode non-ASCII strings. The...
Make sure your cmake project is doing `find_package(Fastcgipp)` and that you're calling `target_link_libraries(targetname PRIVATE Fastcgipp::fastcgipp)` (could be public if needed). Fastcgi++ requires C++20 and the Threads cmake target which should...
When you work with `sys_days`, you are using a `time_point`, which is a duration of time since a given epoch as defined by the given clock (not including leap seconds...
The only performant way I could think of would be to generate the c++ enum and parsing and string functions with ddl2cpp. Still probably a little slower than using the...
According to [MultiByteToWideChar](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/stringapiset/nf-stringapiset-widechartomultibyte) `CP_ACP` is the default multibyte encoding your current machine is using with its current settings. Is it possible the download path that is being set is not...
@chrisw24 There are alternatives to CGI these days which may be why you're seeing less development done with it. Another approach is to use a web proxy on your main...
I don't know about python pandas, but with Linux's glibc when you convert a `struct tm` between timezones it only takes into account the current offset from UTC, and not...
It's possible to produce your own FindDate.cmake file which would allow a CMake based project use this library, however it's generally much less error-prone when using an installed library or...
I'd welcome a PR. Take a look at https://github.com/Erroneous1/sqlpp11-connector-odbc/blob/8b17acc95c3f7b49aec4ed29c5a68134b85c7949/CMake/Modules/FindODBC.cmake#L71
This looks like a great idea. Looking at the code, I think detail::connection_handle_t doesn't need any of the information that's only used for SQLConnect so there is a bit of...