Ernest Dong
Ernest Dong
I have the same problem too in iOS 15. I use password to login to github
> I have the same problem too in iOS 15. I use password to login to github fixed with ssh key. by [here](
thanks for your hard working
I have some suggestions. 1. In emacs-29 Po Lu introduced `pixel-scroll-precision-mode`, emacs can support scroll in pixel natively. 2. And in emacs-mac, there is a variable `mac-mouse-wheel-smooth-scroll` which can support...
> Thanks for the feedback! And nice to hear that work is being done by the emacs contributors directly! > > I see commits from Po Lu on this mode...
If you don't mind, I think following can work? But I wrote ugly. It's depend on you whether use it or not. package.el ```emacs-lisp (when (not (and (emacs-major-version > 28)...
> Oh woaw! that seems super nice, I'm not familiar with elisp so all this is new to me :sweat_smile: > > I'll commit the change. Also, do you happen...
I think #46 can fix. It's a Chinese only bug :(
I encountered this when I set `line-numbers = true` in delta
#101 should fix. But the maintainer seems giving up maintaining