
Results 33 comments of Erik262

Just change the deck of these "anki-mc" cards then it starts working. Don't ask me why.

> > Just change the deck of these "anki-mc" cards then it starts working. Don't ask me why. > > What do you mean by changing the deck of anki-mc...

Ich konnte das Problem mit der "Correct X" Meldung lösen. War purer Zufall. Sind alle Karten mit diesem Kartentypen erstellt worden, so wechsle diese Karten in ein anderes Deck und...

> I was able to retrieve audio and text content for the _free daily_ by calling Blinkist's API the way the frontend does. I prefer this over BeautifulSoup because it's...

@NicoWeio does your code work straight out of the box, or does this to be replaced with the ?

@ptrstn Is there a fix/update coming? you said until Sunday and then you removed your answer.

> > @ptrstn Is there a fix/update coming? you said until Sunday and then you removed your answer. > > This change requires some refactoring and a little bit more...

Alright! The bug appears only when Mac is in closed situation and you are working with ext. keyboard, mouse and monitor.

1. No, but it is seted lower as on the mac. 2. Yes is matching good. But I think the main fault here are the light sensors on the mac,...