
Results 9 issues of Erik

Resolves #68

I want to implement [back-channel logout]( For this, the OP sends an so called Logout token to the RP. The RP needs to validate this token. Since it is not...

I've found an audit of the `XSalsa20Poly1305` crate by [Cure53]( funded by Threema. It seems like they didn't find anything particular problematic in the code base. I primarily opened this...

`RsaPublicKey` does implement `Hash` but `RsaPrivateKey` does not, why? `rsa` should conform to [`C-COMMON-TRAITS`](


I've recently needed to compare a symmetric hmac signature against a `&[u8]`. Usually, this is easily possible via [`Mac::verify_slice`]( but this moved `self` and I only had `&mut self`. I...


As per [RFC7517 section 4]( (fourth paragraph) > Additional members can be present in the JWK; if not understood by implementations encountering them, they MUST be ignored. But currently, if...


The application type for cbor should be ``application/cbor`` as defined in and .

I didn't find anything specific to array equality in the JSON spec, but in my opinion, this should be considered equal: ```rust use serde_json::json; fn main() { let a =...

Hey! Erstmal vielen Dank für deine Ressourcen und besonders für die Vorträge. Leider scheint `\parencite` und `\footcite` nicht zu funktionieren. Nach langem probieren und auch versuchen, zu debuggen, komme ich...