Erick Xavier
Erick Xavier
Fixes rnCarouselOnInfiniteScrollLeft making goToSlide() go to currentSlides.lenght-1 instead of just currentSlides.lenght.
Hello, I have a suggestion to make for HTML snippets insertion. Instead of just allowing the default snippets, would be cool if we have "magic snippets", like if we type...
Hi, I'm using AngularJS 1.6.9, Angular Material 1.1.7 and Angular Material Datepicker 1.5.1. Everytime I open the Datepicker from inside a modal, it shows with part of it outside the...
Link to library repository: [Repo Link]( Library ng add command: ng add ngx-moment Library logo in SVG format: [SVG Logo](
Adds GIgantoraptor translations, needs confirmation on all languages but pt-br.