Eric Soroos
Eric Soroos
Looks like tests for ckan=master are failing for unrelated reasons.
Sorry, I can't get the test suite to run locally based on the README: ``` To run the tests, do: nosetests --nologcapture --ckan --with-pylons=test.ini ckanext ```
```ERROR: Disabling PEP 517 processing is invalid: project specifies a build backend of setuptools.build_meta in pyproject.toml``` I'm having trouble building this on a system that's using Ubuntu 16.04's system python....
We're also seeing that some `.ods` files aren't processed well by `messytables`, essentially causing OOM errors consuming >4G of memory. (among other reasons, it's doing zipfile extraction into memory, and...
Yeah, I think it's good to go, with the 1 space removed that lint was complaining about. (and a rebase to remove the conflict)
@amercader Additional logging isn't coming through in circleci -- is there a quick/docker-compose way that you run tests locally?
Yeah, I don't generally have a source install, we tend to do everything in docker-compose. Part of my frustration is coming from talking to someone who wants to get into...
Ok, with tests running locally (using -vv), I'm getting ``` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR language: en ERROR data_dict: {'notes': 'untranslated', 'notes_translated': {'en': 'en', 'en_GB': 'en_GB'}} ```...
The circle-ci run failed here because it wasn't able to checkout the branch. Can someone with write privs on circleci kick it off again?
@amercader Will do.