
Results 31 issues of EricDunsworth

Lintspaces doesn't claim to support .editorconfig's ``charset`` property, but appears to be reading it and attempting to use it in a way that can lead to exceptions. An exception can...


According to [the EditorConfig website's supported properties section]( and, ``insert_final_newline = false`` is supposed to ensure a file doesn't end with a final newline. The EditorConfig editor plugins I...


Lintspaces' editorconfig option currently has inconsistent support for properties that have been set to be disabled. A few seem to work, but most don't. Not sure if the ones that...

Players brought in via the Data Ajax plugin sometimes tried initializing themselves twice in Firefox. When it happened, the first attempt occurred before the AJAXed-in player had received a "wb-auto-*"...

#9091 changed some of the form validation demo page's required fieldsets to use ``data-rule-required="true"`` attributes on their first fields (instead of ``required="required"``). But it left out the stacked/horizontal fieldset examples...

This is a spinoff of #8947. This issue's goal is to revamp the labels of WET's media player controls to be more accessible (and less confusing/annoying). Here are some key...

Work: Accessibility
Feature: Multimedia player

The "wb-navcurr" class changes colour schemes in the mega and secondary menus to visually-emphasize the current page. This adds a similar effect to footer links via bolding. It wouldn't of...

The navcurrent plugin is a perfect fit for the `aria-current` attribute. The former adds a class ("wb-navcurr") to visually-denote links to the current page, whereas the latter represents it in...

**URL of WHATWG spec or PR:** **Excerpt:** > When a [table]( element is the only content in a [figure]( element other than the [figcaption](, the [caption]( element should be...
