You can fix it as well with `getSubject()->first()` and `getFrom()->first()->mail`.
I have something similiar to @timyourivh in my app: ```php /** * Class PermissionConstrained * * Implements the Scope interface to apply permission constraints to a given Eloquent query builder....
Changing: ```php protected function registerBouncer() { $this->app->singleton(Bouncer::class, function ($app) { return Bouncer::make() ->withClipboard(new CachedClipboard(new ArrayStore)) ->withGate($app->make(Gate::class)) ->create(); }); } ``` to: ```php protected function registerBouncer() { $this->app->scoped(Bouncer::class, function ($app) {...
I added one more commit to use qualified columns in `byHash` scope. Current version may cause `Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous` errors when used with joins.
Hi @veelasky. I work with Laravel 10 so I naturally pushed version compatible with it and forgot that current version is used by older Laravel as well. I don't mind...
I understand. But I'm not sure which approach you would like to take with this PR. Would you prefere me to refactor it to support Laravel versions 7-9 or release...
Hi @deligoez, could you please take a look at this?