Results 28 comments of Miroslav Foltýn

@BlueHatbRit Maybe you looking for this?

Upon further inspection seems to be an inconsistency between separate parsers, Ragel based parser consumes `metric:5|c|#`.

Can't reproduce on current master. Public page does have the issue tho.

Then I am confused cause following: ``` labelFormatter() { return 'test' }, ``` Does result in purple legend labels, even though you are saying that inline css is being...

@raf18seb Any CSS properties with prefix "--" are "CSS custom properties".

@pawellysy There are useful just as much as "variables" within general programming languages are useful for storing a value and retrieving it later down the line or for deriving new...

In my scenario, data for chart is sourced from backend and each series is meant to be graphically customizable by the user, with number of series being arbitrary. This graphical...

I can see the need for it, but adding YET another configuration option doesn't make this any easier for consumers. Instead, one should just make it so that the global...

Curious after reading @joshcomley's comment, I was doing some research into a renderer agnostic emptiness check, hoping that reading some higher level generated information would be sufficient. First, I came...