Current version is [ `v4.1.2.4`](https://github.com/SpaceK33z/web-to-plex/releases/tag/v4.1.2.4-1900MST19FEB2020)
@sp00kie ↑
Hi @sp00kie, 1. *Pulling*: It's pulling from CouchPotato (**charging**) 2. *Multiple folders*: I have a similar setup; I've already started implementing the `Ctrl` `Click` method for adding multiple folders (in...
Try reinstalling the extension, see #165
Sending me the errors (click to expand) 1. Please enable `Developer Mode` in Web to Plex's settings, and navigate to IMDb or Ombi 2. Press `Ctrl` `Shift` `J` 3. Select...
@sp00kie ↑ Thanks for your help so far. I haven't been able to recreate the errors yet, could you take a look at the post above so I can figure...
You won't be able to, the errors only propagate with `Developer mode` enabled
Thanks for letting me know though... I'll see what's different with `Developer mode`
It should've just made error messages visible...
Alright, for now I'll assume remote styles are the problem, that's the only explanation