
Results 120 comments of Ephellon

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Making no progress on this issue. Metacritic will be demoted to `plugin`

Metacritic has been demoted to `plugin` until further notice

Hi. Not able to reproduce this error. Could you take a look at your console with Developer Mode enabled please? > `Domain not acknowledged "github.com"` > ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8632548/75100969-c2cca880-5592-11ea-8272-556dc7311d66.png)



I'm not sure if this is a language error (maybe it runs on sites not in English?). Normally, there would be an *`injected stylesheet`* from the extension → > Can't...

The unexpected token error `VM72:18` can be from anything running `eval`. Assuming error is in `0P` — it's the only script that embeds CSS

Hi @PotatoQuality, could you take a look at [my comment](https://github.com/SpaceK33z/web-to-plex/issues/165#issuecomment-590009656)?