
Results 120 comments of Ephellon

Available in v5.33.4.7. Will release sometime next month

The desync can normally be fixed by pausing and playing the stream. Under Settings, enable `Video Recovery` ⇒ `Recover Stream` option. This will detect some minor hiccups and pause/play the...

Good morning, At the beginning, I did want to have Firefox support but, the guidelines got stricter and I didn't want to change most of the code to conform. I...

I've been giving this some thought... This would require: - Changing all `webkit` properties/methods to `moz` (including CSS) - Changing all `chrome` properties/methods to `browser`

I've given this some thought: I'll put out **one (1)** Firefox version `v5.30` but, someone else will have to port future versions. It should have most (if not all) of...

Since Firefox won't have MV3 for a while, I'll try porting to MV2 and giving it a test later on today.

Still working on this... Firefox has more nuances than needed :P

Never posted an update: will **not** be porting to MV2, but will be testing [FF MV3](https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/manifest-v3-migration-guide/) to see how it fares

It's almost been a year and Firefox still doesn't have MV3... Will close this issue soon since there's been no progress

- [ ] Research a ZIP file manager that can use `/` instead of `\` - [ ] Polyfill some MV3 capabilities