When there is a space between the equals sign and the function name, the following error message occurs ```The code does not contain a proper MATLAB function definition ``` This...
To implement BART models with hyperpriors on splitting probabilities, for example as in Linero (2018), it is necessary to update the splitting probability in each MCMC iteration. It would be...
I attach a dbarts object and test data matrix to this message. [dbarts_debug_example.zip](https://github.com/vdorie/dbarts/files/12799679/dbarts_debug_example.zip) The example code below sometimes crashes when there is one row in the test data matrix, and...
I attach a dbarts object and test data matrix to this message. [dbarts_debug_example.zip](https://github.com/vdorie/dbarts/files/12800806/dbarts_debug_example.zip) The predicted value from dbarts is ``-0.977252'', which is less than the sum of the minimum terminal...
If there are empty leaf-nodes, the likelihood for the Metropolis-Hastings step can still be calculated, and the means for the empty leaf-node parameter draws are equal to zero (the prior...