
Results 11 comments of Enough7

Hello? @ChilliCream @michaelstaib

> @andrewhamili sorry its not a branch, its another repo. https://github.com/tonnenpinguin/react-chat-elements/tree/typescript_migration It's 84 commits behind Detaysoft:master

Sure but where ist the dark theme demo? Could not figure that out

> Are there plans to provide additional functionality or bug fixes? Normally PRs with spelling fixes for commentary alone aren't really worth merging and cutting another version. Then do not...

Hey, as someone new to artery I am missing an explanation on how to debug a simulation. Do you guys just attach gdb (like `sudo gdb -p `) or something...

Hi @fysch, thank you. That helped a lot. I somehow overlooked this part, even though I added the `.json` configs. Is it normal that the GUI (Omnet++ in QTenv) does...

It freezes on clicking start, running the `sumo-gui` config. I may open a new issue for this. > Are you sure it Omnet++ is not in debug mode? I guess...

> Is your debugger maybe simply stopping at a breakpoint? Then, the GUI is freezing, obviously. When I run ```console cmake --build build --target run_highway_police ``` and choosing the `sumo-gui`...

[#212](https://github.com/riebl/artery/issues/212) is a dead link, what was the content of the issue?

One more hint please include in the readme the [difference between v3 and v2](https://www.scorpiones.io/articles/the-difference-between-recaptcha-v2-and-v3)