Switch to dark mode. In the notification area (where it is been said "easer is running in background") I've got black text on black background **Expected behavior** Readable text -...
Hi, You may want to improve the look of easer notification icon by : - use easer icon instead of a rounded square. As you can see in the screenshot,...
Hi For a more consistant UX, you may want to move the enable/disable script option from within the script to the contextual menu (long press). Having "Modify", "Suppress" and "Enable...
Hi, - set brightness to 100% - Add a profil to set brightness at 50%. - Save the profil. - execute the profil with contextual menu (long press) - the...
Hi I've set my device to automatically switch to dark theme and night light at nightfall. I'd like to automatically switch to 50% brightness at the same time (which change...