> Thanks @EnixCoda. Would you be willing to open a PR? As [mentioned](https://github.com/primer/behaviors/issues/242#issuecomment-1790453294), with a PR we would be able to try integrating it to reveal if this change causes...
I guess [AnchoredOverlay](https://primer.style/components/anchored-overlay/react/alpha) was the correct component. Then I tried to create a codesandbox but it failed to run. https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/wls675 However, I made it to work locally. So I believe...
Thanks for the issue. It might not be related to version of react but the tool transforming jsx. Take `` for example. Previously, it was transformed to `React.createElement('div')` but now...
Hi, @jeffreysilver I may not extend this project's features in the future as GitHub has introduced its official [scheduled reminder](https://docs.github.com/en/organizations/organizing-members-into-teams/managing-scheduled-reminders-for-your-team). It has all features of this project, even the one...
Recently I'm considering optimizing this so that I can use it in GitHub Enterprise, where the official scheduled reminder may not be available. This feature should be included.
Now supported
看到用的是`Promise.all()`,有个疑问,bowl支持多个依赖链并行加载么? 比如 ``` a0