Deleted and re-added my ESP32 running the default TV.ino as "Jeffery" (no way it can get confused with anything else with that name!) in the living room as a test....
Personally, I'd like to have: Cable, Fire TV, Nintendo Switch (or just Switch), Steam Link and Wii (might have to be WE). Other suggestions I have are: Plex, Netflix, Disney...
FYI, I just tried saying every single input listed in InputController.h: `'AUX 1'..'AUX 7', 'BLURAY', 'CABLE', 'CD', 'COAX 1','COAX 2', 'COMPOSITE 1', 'DVD', 'GAME', 'HD RADIO', 'HDMI 1'.. 'HDMI 10',...
Ok, it's working better now! I deleted and re-added it as TV and now many more inputs are working. I don't know if that's because I'm using "TV" in the...
Thank you so much for adding the extra inputs :-D This is awesome! I tested every voice input and there are a few that didn't work for me. They're not...
In preferences I've found that changing lineWidth to be very large helps reduce the margins a little.
Any update on the new sample project / docs? Specifically, I'm migrating from TJDropboxAuthenticationViewController to TJDropboxAuthenticator and I've noticed there are a few things that are not covered in the...
Confirmed, I also see this error with my ESP32 Dev board.
Same here. Installed fine. Run chat.exe, looks like nothing happens. No windows open, no error. After running, chat.exe shows in task manager for 2-3 seconds.. so it's running, but literally...
I would add that chat.exe ran ok the first time for me and downloaded the language model I selected. Then it said "Calculating MD5".. then closed. If I rename the...