> Also, can you fix the chronocapture jectie? its been broken since the beginning. It always wants a picture of an AI Upload circuit, but this seems to not be...
Or just chronocapture the console itself instead of the board.
Add "Closes #32872" to the OP.
@nervere or @ValkyrieSkies close this one, I forgot to relink the issue when remaking the broken bugfix PR.
That works too I guess.
> how do I set to dratf Press the set to draft button right next to the OP message (or ctrl+f the word draft).
Implement it as a wizard curse as well (that as a side effect also affects the wizard) so we may have an alt-gunk that isn't pushwiz, invisipunch wiz, mobwiz or...
>D:\Programming stuff\vgstation13\code\modules\mob\living\carbon\human\human_attackhand.dm I'm having heavy early 2010s flashbacks with that link.
I used the same invisibility from the seeing stone and on testing I couldn't see invisible objects, just ghosts, so yeah, tested.
Lemme test it and I'll change it.