Eneko Torres Gómez
Eneko Torres Gómez
Tienes que configurarlo, prueba a usar VitaGrafixConfigurator (eso si no quieres cambiar los ajustes manualmente en el txt): https://github.com/Kirezar/VitaGrafixConfigurator/releases
vale, has probado a descargr lo que esta en la carpeta /patches? estos juegos necesitan otro parche a parte por que son muy grandes. Si aun asi te da problemas....
> install psvshell and crank all freqs to the maximum. and search it for the best resulation combo for NFS MW. I was getting solid 30 on max resolution and...
Btw are you using PSVShell/lolicon to set the clocks speeds to max settings for testing? Bc maybe this way the ones that have some sort of slow down won't longer...
Agreed, I made a request on the VitaGrafix repo a long time ago (before the patchlist repo was a thing). Basically the game breaks when you try to change the...
oh wow so... i've been using short tips with my pinecil v1 for like a year now and never knew it wasn't supported by V1 lol, no wonder why they...
would totally love to have the option to download more than 1 subtitle tbh, the ui could have a drop down checkbox list (similar to streamfab) to let you choose...
Would also be cool to see support for Mac OS (yes wipeout came out for Macs too lol) but I understand coding stuff for carbon/mac os x/PPC is gonna be...