Andrei Yankovich

Results 148 comments of Andrei Yankovich

@higaski you can check [this]( build

> No because I'm cross-deploying. I can't run a Windows version. Try again please, I prepared new Linux builds

@higaski about C++ libs, send me your deployment log (with **-verbose 3** option)

> Turns out I've been stupid all the time... On my arch system .dlls are placed in `/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/`. I simply had to add this path to the `-libDir` option and...

Do after merge #113

> Or even better (more used): `qtifw` Yes, you are right, its better

#814 probably, this is similar

@GoldSnake2100 can you send me verbose log of cqtdeployer tool ? just add -verbose 3 to your deploy command

Hm, is dependency of the system xcb library that is a depends on the qt plugins, so just mark this lib as a depends on your executable. Use the...

@GoldSnake2100 I thought that the problem was in launching your program directly, and the problem was in launching the installer, Unfortunately, you will not be able to solve it except...