I would propose to have **one readme per language** which [has the appropriate language code](https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php) appended. The english one, can simply stay `README.md` in my opinion. Others could be named...
I have not yet worked with application level translations (po files afaik). Would they render properly inside this repo? Otherwise this sounds like a very interesting approach as well. I...
Another topic we should probably address is also how these translations are gonna be managed or updated. With my initial idea, I'd assume it's quite cumbersome to have to make...
> Something like the Wii-Guide would be good maybe: In the _pages/ is a folder of the locale, and then that contains all the pages If the target would be...
If it should be shown on a site, using [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/) would probably be the most sensitive approach. That way a static site generator would convert the markdown files to...
> I feel like we are unnecessarily complicate things. I agree. Starting simple would probably the best. Both using translation sites or generating a static site would require a lot...
If we have an approach, we can use [Pull Request Templates](https://docs.github.com/articles/about-issue-and-pull-request-templates) to guite pull requests into categories (language updates, other things, etc.) and use them to guide people to properly...
> The key issue is akin to what this incident about: we need to establish trust somehow. How would you determine that a translator is trust-worthy? To a certain degree...
Also I tested a bit GitHubs templating on [my fork](https://github.com/EnderKill98/fractureiser). I don't see a way to make new PRs having a fancy selector like a added for issues there sadly....
Ah, I see there is already a PR for a new language (#80). I'm not opposed to use that structure (lang/[Country-Language](https://www.fincher.org/Utilities/CountryLanguageList.shtml)/\). We can then just list out all the translation...