Affected client versions 1.17.x, 1.16.x and lower probably because i tested only this versions 1.17,x and 1.16.x
Your Protocollib and Libs ?
You must on in configuration. /bw wand default not working. Because is off in configuration ;).
Yep yep, i have same issue.
This extension is only for syntax colorization, there not for now included formatting. I used Beautify from VSC marketplace. You can also try but there was problem with readable of...
1. Issue maybe not working this pattern. https://github.com/kasik96/VS-Latte/blob/master/syntaxes/latte.tmLanguage#L127 2. I think missing for this pattern or vscode change something. I don't know how working this syntax highlights in vscode. But...
This syntax color bug is when you have enabled extension ? What show when is disabled ?
Your issue must solving kasik but i don't know where is he, because i have my PR in request more then month.
@halaxa-roman Hele napadlo mě že když teda se tohle vyskytuje v latte jestli se to vyskytuje i v klasickém HTML jestli to třeba není bug syntaxe ve VSC.
**File>Preferences>Settings** and write in search field Emmet: Include Languages, And write this into settings.json All about Emmet from Microsoft Docs: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/emmet `"emmet.includeLanguages": { "latte": "html", }` We can try this...