Results 17 issues of Pawel Szulc

@def- what work do you think is needed to get this project up and running again?

Commits! Keep them coming! ❤️

`repeatedly` returns one more time a function value (instead of being a method). also added `ginterpret`

status: In review

Adds a new step to format function signatures Example: ``` input = unlines [ "module Herp where" , "" , "fooBar :: a -> b -> a" , "fooBar v...


Example in # Example ## Input ``` module Ouroboros.Consensus.Cardano.Block ( HardForkBlock ( BlockByron , BlockShelley , BlockAllegra , BlockMary ) , CardanoBlock) where ``` ## Expected ``` module Ouroboros.Consensus.Cardano.Block...

If the exported element has a comment assigned to it (placed on the same line), after formatting the comment is placed one line below the exported element ## Example: *Before:*...

## How it would work *Before:* ``` module Mod ( Foo (Bar, Baz) ) where data Foo = Bar | Baz ``` *After:* ``` module Mod ( Foo ( Bar...

In order to easier maintain the project we should consider providing golden test mechanism. Proposal 1. there would be dedicated `golden` folder in tests 2. in that folder for each...

I think I found a bug in Aeson. I want to contribute a fix. Before the fix, I want to prove that the bug exists with a failing unit test....
