well I calculated and compared them after each epoch and even in the first epoch they are not the same? is it maybe also the mAP of the best iteration...
so it finishes the training (torch_utils.engine : train_one_epoch) but it stops in the evaluation (evaluate from torch_utils.engine).
I did that, but it can run a few loops in the evaluate so I don't think there is the problem. it runs 5 loops of the evaluation (so output=model(images)...
GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti and around 5 GB
Well, I don't have the CUDA out of memory if I use a Resnet50 model or mobilenetv3 large.. it's only with the Resnet101 so far.
I have the same question :)
Can you also use the fasterrcnn_resnet50_fnp_v2 without pretrained weights? And do you know if there are any layers frozen? if yes, can you unfreeze them?