Jie Luo
Jie Luo
@davepinto Yes, you are correct. Compiling production builds are successful, it just effect react hot reload. By the way, is there any workaround to make `'win32' === process.platform` working again?...
Hey, everyone! This bug will be fix by CRA team, here is the related [issue](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/11771#issuecomment-995904234). @raix Thank you! ❤️
现在考这题已经没有意义了。。React 18默认并发就是0011,18以下就是0023。。
Yep~ We have the same issue. And the solution is replacing the React.Component to React.PureComponent. Just like this [PR](https://github.com/Kyligence/element-react/commit/ecafff21c84353e64f00c08f83d467e04e9dc6d2). Have a nice day~
@jdsandifer OK, I will create the PR for this repo today. 👌
@Hazel54 @loadchange 确实是个严重的bug,希望能尽快review这个PR。 凡是在带下拉框的Input中,都存在componentDidUpdate一直[挂载](https://github.com/ElemeFE/element-react/blob/master/src/scrollbar/Scrollbar.jsx#L40)event listener,却不卸载事件的问题。鼠标hover也会一直注册事件。
@owenshaupt Hi~ Sorry for long time to response... I try the solution code and it works. I recommend you use ["antd"](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design) to prevent these bugs. That's will be more easy,...
+1, what's the correct way for this issue?
That's good! I think it is more better if DateTimePicker can add DateTimePicker({option : opts}) to update options.
Yeah~ It is correct in input boxes, but it is great that the `dtpicker-comp month` input box will auto match the `dateTimeFormat` option. What the best is like the picture...