When other handlers will be available on MediaFire? For now there are only 5 of them
After launching errors occur: Application crash. Log generated at Data/......log Metoda lub operacja nie została zaimplementowana Log: [Header] sobota, 22 grudnia 2018 23:10:57 Nucleus Coop Alpha v9 [PC Specs] [Message]...
### Describe the bug After reordering columns (dropping column at desired position), p-draggable-enter class stays on element ### Environment Windows 10 PrimeNG 17.17.0 Angular 17.3 ### Reproducer _No response_ ###...
### Describe the bug Table: Reorderable column false and pReorderableColumnDisabled true still gives cursor move ### Environment Windows 10 PrimeNG 17.17.0 Angular 17 ### Reproducer _No response_ ### Angular version...
### Describe the bug p-calendar with selectionMode="range" and [showTime]="true" gives error, when clicking arrows that changes hours  ### Environment Windows 10 Angular 17, PrimeNG 17.17.0 ### Reproducer _No response_...