Emilien Dupont

Results 15 comments of Emilien Dupont

Hey Ramit, Thank you for your reply! Is there any plan to add this feature? In my experience, this workflow is super common in ML research (at least at universities):...

Hi Ramit, Thanks for getting back to me! The report option works well for sharing charts related to the runs which is definitely useful. However, we want to share saved...

Hi Ramit, Thank you and sorry for the slow reply on my end! To give further context, our ideal use case is that, given a path to a wandb run,...

Hi Ramit, thanks for this! I'm looking forward to the feature implementation :)

Hi Qiyao! Yes that’s right, NODE can get arbitrarily close to fitting the spheres but cannot solve it exactly. However, in getting close to solving the problem, the ODE becomes...

Hi, this project is indeed only considering first order ODEs. However, if you have a higher order ODE requiring first or second derivative initial values, you can always rewrite it...

If I understand correctly, you have the position `x0` and the velocity `v0` of an object at some time `t0` and you would like to predict its position and velocity...

Hi, I just checked on my side and it runs fine with the following versions: scipy 1.2.1 numpy 1.16.1 torch 1.0.1.post2 torchvision 0.2.1 matplotlib 3.0.2 This is a little weird...

Hi Guangyuan! To use emojis in the commit messages you can type words between colons, for example `:bug:`. You can find a complete list of all available emojis on github...

Hi @d12306, thanks for your question! You are correct that we do not use feature extraction layers in this repo. The reason is that we wanted to test the capabilities...