Emil Gardström
Emil Gardström
enable [ci/tests.sh](https://github.com/rust-embedded/cross/blob/master/ci/test.sh) to run on ci for windows and macos
this is not a serious pr, just an attempt that maybe can become something
We should add a CONTRIBUTING.md file, specifying how * How to interact with the repository * How to find easy issues * Explain how cross works in a lower level...
Hi! I have a header file I'd rather not touch, and I want to convert some `#define` directives that are integers into `enums`, such that `--constified-enum-module`, `--bitfield-enum` etc would work...
Chatty allows you to always be connected to a twitch chat. This does mean that in channels with a system in place to give users in the chat points, their...
When chaining delimiters, e.g `(foo(bar))`, and then at `(foo(bar)|)` you press backspace to remove `foo(bar)`you end up with `(|`, but what you really wanted was `(|)`. This is sometimes a...
This PR does some changes to how logging is done and displayed. More work maybe needed. Depends on rust-embedded/svd#172
A tool to get diffs of output on code changes would be great to have, this would enable something like @ghost diff all which outputs > (x) changes have been...