Emil Hvitfeldt

Results 234 issues of Emil Hvitfeldt

This is similar to this issue: https://github.com/tidymodels/parsnip/issues/798. As far as I can tell we don't explicitly say which models can handle missing values beyond https://www.tmwr.org/pre-proc-table.html. This issue was brought to...


`install_deps()` and `install_dev_deps()` are documented together, but since they have different defaults for the `dependencies` argument, they conflict with the [documentation](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes/blob/bc0949d00325c109601a097963ea9784a26d030e/R/deps.R#L11-L18) from `remotes::install_deps` that states > Which dependencies do you...


slight warning. New version of `paletteer` (1.0.0) have change in syntax. So it would be ```r paletteer_c("nord::frost") ``` instead of ```r paletteer_c(package = "nord", palette = "frost") ```


Hello 👋 On the front page of https://www.featuretools.com/, the "read more" link under "Reusable Feature Primitives" gives the dead link https://primitives.featurelabs.com/

Hello @mmastand 👋 When doing revdepchecking for https://github.com/tidymodels/recipes/pull/993, I found a couple of bug that appears in your variable type checking code, that used to work before, but now doesn't....