Emerson Pinheiro
Emerson Pinheiro
Hello there! Right now I'm facing a similar issue, better described here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59573435/recyclerlistview-scrolls-to-top-onendreached-with-functional-component and in #449. My code is quite like @SunskyXH 's, but instead of using the useMemo hook,...
@dzpt, yes, you can use the `forceNonDeterministicRendering` prop ([docs](https://github.com/Flipkart/recyclerlistview/blob/782e6ebb0ed944a653e8c83eac9329cfa243410c/docs/guides/performance/README.md#3-estimated-heights)) But, I think it may affect list's performance a bit if you don't provide close estimated measures. In my case, to...
Hey @callmemonky, I ended up using Class Components. I didn't try any new solution since.
Cool! Unfortunately, I don't work on the project where I used this lib anymore, so I won't be able to test this solution, but good to know it worked for...
Hello there! First of all, thanks for sharing this project with the React Native community. This is the first time that I contribute to an open source project, and, since...