Tony Pagaduan
Tony Pagaduan
Thanks for the quick explanation! I'll leave the update to you.
I have the same issue in my CI/CD job. ```console $ axe --chrome-options "no-sandbox" --timer --exit Running axe-core 4.0.2 in chrome-headless Testing ... please wait, this may take...
> @Elte156 I also have a CSP in place so I think we have the exact same issue. If I understand correctly this fix just issue the timeout? Correct @marcuslindblom....
@marcuslindblom I understand. I got around this by having more lenient CSP rule sets in lower environments like local, test, and beta. Then I just test with AXE-cli without issue....
> it is common to for the site to automatically set the theme based on the browser/OS preference @ptmkenny can you provide an example site that does this? I'm curious...
Thank you. @ptmkenny These are the triggers I was looking for: - - When I visit, the light/dark mode tests didn't work for me (maybe because this...
Then it seems that doesn't respond to that special `CH` header. When you run it locally on your Mac, what does the `UserAgent` request header read when you load...
I was able to see this work when I change my macOS appearance from light to dark and it's instantaneous (no page reload needed). Pretty cool. There is a way...
@alec-w @jagregory I too require this functionality for my application. I see that my real AWS ID Token has: - email - family_name - given_name I then manually added the...
> For each app, you can mark attributes as readable or writeable. This applies to both standard and custom attributes. Your app can retrieve the value of attributes that you...