Łukasz Budziak

Results 3 issues of Łukasz Budziak

Is it possible to delete a remote branch after a PR is closed using Gitbutler? ![Github](https://i.imgur.com/gOsInS0.png)


## Code that was run [EloToJaa/EDI](https://github.com/EloToJaa/EDI) [Program.cs](https://github.com/EloToJaa/EDI/blob/main/Edi/Program.cs) [INVOIC EdiMessage](https://github.com/EloToJaa/EDI/blob/main/Edi.Contracts/Messages/INVOIC.cs) INVOIC was created based on [stylusstudio](https://www.stylusstudio.com/edifact/D97A/INVOIC.htm) using EDIFACT D97A ## Error details ``` indice.Edi.EdiException HResult=0x80131500 Message=More than one properties on type...

Regarding issue: #256 I made a separate directory for this issue in the tests project. Qualifiers, Segments & INVOIC message were generated using [EloToJaa/EDI](https://github.com/EloToJaa/EDI)