do you know how to code? if you do, you can start by learning data uri scheme: example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3906142/how-to-save-a-png-from-javascript-variable https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme
@mrieck can you provide an full functional example?
@msj121 i'm using download.js with this code var aux=document.querySelector("#webgl").toDataURL() download(aux,"name.png","image/png"); but all i got is transparent png's with the correct resolution. looks like i have to toogle: preserveDrawingBuffer but i'm...
future request or feature request? since you're copying things for clipboard, what about copy custom things and create an shortcut key for then? ex: ability to create an shortcut for...
still not working for me ubuntu 18.04 here
@jpfox this will work with binary data instead of text?
public is, as the name imply, public. "In my use case, the originator's public key will be made publicly available, so anyone can create encrypted messages" you want everyone to...
and where is the source code for it?
what exactly are you trying to do?
same here command not found by going to node_modules/webassembly/bin and typing : ./wa compile -o program.wasm program.c i can compile