Ella Kaye
Ella Kaye
I just came across this package through [this twitter thread](https://twitter.com/PipingHotData/status/1384453433806229506). I haven't used it yet, but it looks fantastic, and definitely solves a problem I've had in the past. I...
Hi @jhelvy I just used `xaringanBuilder` for the first time to quickly get images of the first slide of all my previous talks so I could include them as preview...
Hello. I have a variation on this question. How can I use local font files in a pkgdown site? Combining guidance from the [customise your site](https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/customise.html#additional-html-and-files) vignette and what worked...
Oh, OK. Thanks @hadley.
Hi Melissa, Thanks for your interest in BradleyTerryScalable. The package is not on CRAN at the moment (it's not just you!) but it can still be installed directly from GitHub...
Hi Michael, Thanks so much for this, and apologies for the delayed response (as I mentioned at the close of #12, I've got a lot else going on right now...
Hello, I was inspired by @ekholme's blogpost mentioned above to come up with a solution for this, and have since seen that he raised the issue here. I have written...
Hi @rkbauer. It looks like you have created a css file using `create_theme`. You can add your custom CSS for headers to that file and that should work just fine...
Hi @jjallaire Thanks for your quick response. I was expecting to have to re-render old posts, but even after I did that, it still stuck to the default scheme, unless...
Hello. Firstly, I'd like to echo @shannonpileggi with my thanks for your work on distill and my deep love and appreciate of this package 😄 I am also experiencing some...