Elia Argentieri

Results 12 issues of Elia Argentieri

**Describe the bug** If the internet connection is unstable and it's not possible to resolve names, botamusique crashes and returns exit status 1. **Affected version** 7.2.2 **To Reproduce** Steps to...

First of all, thank you very much for this extension. I'd like to be able to switch between output ports too. This what I mean, using pavucontrol: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5737945/89131260-a5214900-d50b-11ea-9ed5-7c7bace9a610.png)

help wanted

If I try to start a parametrized service, I get this message: `Failed: Unit name [email protected] is missing the instance name.`. Does chkservice support a way to provide the parameter?

I think MumbleDJ should support local files too. We could define a folder in the configuration file that limits accessible files and allows MumbleDJ to scan that folder to look...

feature request

Now that MumbleDJ supports more sites than just Youtube, I'd like to see support for sites that run [GNU Mediagoblin](http://mediagoblin.org/), "a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run"....

feature request

It seems, pygame.NUMEVENTS is not defined. I'm using python 3.

``` *** Selected device LGD855c1b53fb0 *** Device detected! proceeding... *** Working dir: /tmp/tmp8v4q8xtz *** Rooting adbd... adbd is already running as root remount succeeded *** Pulling framework from device... 4036...

I don't understand this part of the code. But it seems to work fine with this fix. Fixes #31.

I had fun enjoying Serious Sam The Second Encounter until I reached the level where there is a rotating floor. When the floor begins its rotation, Sam sinks into floor...