Elijas Dapšauskas
Elijas Dapšauskas
Yes, this is the default implementation, as it works the most robustly across systems and is least likely to break long-term. If I remember correctly, the other solution is to...
Yup! #### High-level overview: 1. This is the function that needs to be updated: [_switchDesktopToTarget()](https://github.com/pmb6tz/windows-desktop-switcher/blob/master/desktop_switcher.ahk#L99). 2. Currently, it works just by sending the "switch to next desktop" keyboard shortcut until...
Does it get fixed with https://github.com/pmb6tz/windows-desktop-switcher/pull/76 ? (Just download the newest version of the script, or manually apply the changes from the fix in the link)
Hi Kevin! Thank you for you kind words and suggestions. If you're ok with having 4/9/16 desktops (so it could form a 2x2 grid) and you'd be okay with a...
Just to not to leave you hanging - personally I'm currently on tight schedules for other projects, so I won't be able to work on this in the near time,...
Wow that's really exciting! Very happy to see you rose up to the challenge :tada: It's really quite a lot, what you've achieved in not much time. Regarding with sharing...
Thanks for reporting!
Hi, @submeg, We're glad you liked the script! Could you share the windows versiom that you're on (e.g. Version 1903)? The DLL sometimes gets outdated with a new version By...
Good news, I checked, the DLL still works with the version 1909. Could you try to install [VS 2017 runtimes vc_redist.x64.exe (and/or) vc_redist.x86.exe](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads) ? Because the DLLs repository lists it...
Hi, thanks for submitting an issue. Are you moving the non-Office window with the app's hotkey? Does this happen when you move a non-Office window manually (Win+Tab)? Does moving Office...