Same error for me. I think he gave up on Unix-based systems.
For Bootstrap, I've found vinorodrigues' [Bootstrap Night](https://vinorodrigues.github.io/bootstrap-dark-5/examples/cheatsheet-night.html) as probably the most solid option for dark mode. Seems like all that needs to be done is to create a setting that...
1. Bootstrap is a CSS framework (and a bit more than that, but in this case just a CSS framework). It comes with its own design system, which can be...
Bootstrap is implemented everywhere. It's imported via npm and everything in UI-related in the extension uses Bootstrap.
Bootstrap is included in CAD. To darken it you'd need to inject CSS into it.
I'll try to take this issue. What exactly needs to be moved/split?
The general idea here is lost, because the time complexity is equivalent for both implementations. However, I will add that Java uses a [lightweight implementation](https://hg.openjdk.org/jdk7/jdk7/jdk/rev/1ff977b938e5) of `.split()` for single-character strings...
@uwussimo Not sure where you're getting some of that from, this is a function taking a string and splitting it by whitespace padded commas.
This code is used in a specific, uncontrollable string that wouldn't be susceptible to a ReDoS. Not saying that the pull request isn't valid, but there's no security risk here.
There's a reason why that pull request was closed. If you'd like to discuss upping the ratio, I suggest you do it in a GitHub issue. `threshFriendsToFollowersRatioUMass` is used in...