B. Saretzki

Results 13 comments of B. Saretzki

i think the problem is the http header that is used to query the xml data. if i print xmlconfig directly after creating in ultimate.py i get the cloudflare check...

for me the login works again if i set the c_locale cookie in login.py and the naming problem is solved by overwriting the title with the title from the xml...

i have briefly rewritten the autocatch method to crunchy-xml-decoder.py and put all the changes into this zip [crunchy-xml-decoder2.zip](https://github.com/jaw20/Crunchyroll-XML-Decoder/files/2923530/crunchy-xml-decoder2.zip) ``` def autocatch(): print 'indicate the url : ' url=raw_input() headers =...

you should try to rebuild and reinstall your version of cloudflare-scrape https://github.com/Anorov/cloudflare-scrape/archive/master.zip and run: setup.py build setup.py install

install https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.15.2/node-v10.15.2-x64.msi and reboot

as i wrote in problem #63 crunchyroll stopped sending the resolution in xml yesterday remove `+ ' in ' + xmlconfig.find('height').string + 'p'` in ultimate.py line 269 and downloads in...

https://github.com/Elegond/Crunchyroll-XML-Decoder/blob/master/crunchy-xml-decoder/ultimate.py Change line 265` if int(xmlconfig.find('episode_number').string) < 10:` to ` if float(xmlconfig.find('episode_number').string) < 10:` in ultimate.py

if you edit ultimate.py like this, it is impossible to get the same error. Replace your ultimate.py with https://github.com/Elegond/Crunchyroll-XML-Decoder/blob/master/crunchy-xml-decoder/ultimate.py or post your file and error tracking.

ok in this case delete lines 265 to 267. i didn't expect any episodes with letters. https://github.com/Elegond/Crunchyroll-XML-Decoder/blob/master/crunchy-xml-decoder/ultimate.py

can you show me your error traceback?