### Describe the bug If I upload an Object in S3 bucket where file name has space in it. Eg. "NEW FILE.txt", The object URL becomes - https://myBucket/NEW+FILE.txt which is...
We need to connect Oracle DB via Kerberos in .Net Core. I came across an old thread - https://community.oracle.com/tech/developers/discussion/4288468/kerberos-support-for-odp-net-core which says that its not possible. Is this true as of...
@karlospn I went through your [article](https://www.mytechramblings.com/posts/getting-started-with-opentelemetry-and-dotnet-core/). Really appreciate your time on this article. I want achieve the similar behavior. **My Use Case:** > MF Queue (Third Party) [Each message has...
Description =========== We are using MSK(AWS Apache kafka) cluster with SASL-SCRAM authentication, here credentials get auto rotated after 90 days when our application is running. There is no impact of...
### Describe the bug In my code I am deleting the cookie before setting the new value for it. // Code executed on 19th Jan HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Delete("testCookie"); HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append("testCookie", "test" , option);...