Niko Lepka

Results 11 issues of Niko Lepka

I got a few wishes for some functions to be added to Lodash # array functions In addition to `_.every` and `_.some` it would be nice to have a `_.none`,...

Sometimes reading the piston documentation is a bit of an uphill battle, just today this happened: I needed to see the types I needed to put into a square to...


I have a simple request based on an actual use-case that I needed: helper functions to create reals and imaginaries directly. ```rust impl Complex { fn re(re: T) -> Complex...


This is a bit of a curiosity. I've set the RUST_SRC_PATH to point to the source directory: ```bash $ echo $RUST_SRC_PATH /home/coffee/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src ``` But racer insists that the variable is...

This issue is simply suggesting to remove the fully qualified types when dealing with things already imported by default. This ```rust #[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)] pub struct Mount { pub device:...

Trying to install squib via gem install. My currently installed version of Ruby is 2.6.10. This is the output I get from the console when trying to do this: ```...


I can see that the library supports close and error, one of which gracefully shuts down the connection, and the other which sends an error message; but I want to...

Was told to dump the two countersheet files in `~/.config/inkscape/extensions/` And then restart Inkscape. I did all that, and the extension list still contains nothing boardgame related. Now, I know...

The dependencies currently only support up to 16.9, which is incompatible with newer projects

I can see that `TCOD_RENDERER_SDL2` and `TCOD_RENDERER_OPENGL2` are both missing from the library, despite existing in the original C++ lib. Is this intentional?