
Results 23 issues of Netmentor

rabbitMQ library should contain tests, mainly integration, but also unit.


When `ConsumerHostedService` gets executed, I need to investigate what happens if an exception jups in the handler. Does it break the entire consumer process? In addition some logs may be...


inside the messsagehandler registry I should stop the code maybe? in case there is no handlers at all. search for #4 in the code


rabbitmq gets processed on a synchronous way, but the handler is asycn. for that reason we have to run the handler inside a task ``` var t = Task.Run(HandleMessage); t.Wait();...


if a queue/exange does not exist the process will fail. one solution is "lazy" creating those queues/exanges. but the proper way should be infrastrcuture wise. But at the same time...


When consuming messages we work with Iconnection and IModel both of them are IDisposable but in`RabbitMQMessageConsumer.consume` they were being disposed before the message was processed, which caused that we couldnt...


at the moment all the "get" are under `ISecretManager` but vault acts that you can have mutiple engines. `.get` should be to get the default key/value; But to access rabbitMQ...


Investigate if it is needed to add a wrapper around the secret manager. this wrapper will keep the secrets in memory and it will not call the service unless the...


both unit and integration.
