
Results 23 issues of Netmentor

Hello! first of all, I would like to say that I am quite new at ruby, so I might be doing something wrong. But as far as I am aware,...

in some scenarios (mainly config) we are executing async communication in non-async flows. for that reason instead of doing just `.Result` i should write a wrapper around it like `Awaiter.Execute`...


Atm the code only "supports" unit tests, it should support also integration tests (building the containers, etc in docker)


I started to use rop as an example in the code, it should be quite consistent the way is it done or maybe not for clarity if someone else is...

when a call to a known microservice is done it should be abstracted, i can have an interface or similar whith all the endpoints, or create the client automatically based...


when implementing event sourcing (and aggregates) with mongo, the classes that are "event" needs to be registered with `BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap();` figure it out a way to not need this registration or...


there is lot of code in the eventsourcing project, it will be nice to add some documentation of how to use it. specially around the aggregate.


in order to have a complete work on the products api we need to create a new service for the stock and another one for warehosues. atm the interface is...


It will be nice to have at least the consumers/Producers library as nuget package, because lot ofo companies ask for it on the take home interview.


Distribt.Shared.Communication has no test, Ideally it should contian both integration and unit test.
