
Results 10 comments of fdecan

I second this. I'm using relay compiler which by default generates readonly typescript types. My current workaround is to turn them into writeable types with this kind of helper :...

From what I've seen in the code, there is no recursion involved with nested updaters and deleters, only with create, but that would definitely be a nice feature, especially since...

It actually comes down to the same issue as #29.

Yes it should be.

Hello @andrisak thanks a lot for your contribution, it looks perfect to me :) Those are definitely relevant changes.

I digged a little bit into this. I modified the package with https://www.npmjs.com/package/patch-package. Inside PostgraphileNestedTypesPlugin l.177, I modified the `isForward` condition. It was masking some reverse relations when their constraints...

Yes it is. ```graphql mutation CreateItemMutation { createItem(input: { item: { title: "parent" itemsToParentIdUsingId: { create: [{ title: "child A" }, { title: "child B" }] } } }) {...

One solution I found was to explicitly convert the `workspace:*` to their respective versions before calling `pnpm publish`: ```ts // tools/scripts/create-exportable-manifest.mjs import { createExportableManifest } from '@pnpm/exportable-manifest'; import { readProjectManifestOnly...

I'm using io-ts right now to serialize and deserialize at runtime the iso-strings received from my DB to Moment objects. ``` export const DateTime = new t.Type( 'DateTime', (mixed): mixed...

I can reproduce the same issue, the logs that get skipped in my case come from an extension's content script. Rolling back to 21.1.1 resolves the issue.